Empty Storage Room With Supplies In Modern Hospital Building
Healthcare Case Study

Sasser Restoration Provides Mold Mitigation Service to Healthcare Facility



Project Overview

The storage area and a cooler unit within the pharmacy of a major hospital were showing signs of suspect growth in multiple areas. This was believed to be the product of bringing organic materials into the space, such as wood pallets and damp cardboard boxes.

The presence of suspect growth, regardless of severity, threatened the integrity of the vaccines and medications being prepared, the health of the staff and the potential shutdown for remediation.

Pharmacy and Clean Room spaces require specialized intensive cleaning methods that are typically above and beyond already stringent healthcare requirements.

Because of this, Sasser Restoration was called to work with Infection Prevention and staff hygienists to develop a quick solution to remediating the space while allowing for continued operation.

An efficient plan was put into place to clean and relocate materials, set rigid containment, and remediate the affected areas, while allowing staff full access to needed supplies.

Quick Facts

  • Project Duration: 7 Days (including PRV)
  • Round Dollar Value: $4,700
  • Personnel Required: Senior Project Manager, Healthcare Restoration Supervisor, Restoration Technicians
  • Equipment Required: Hard Containment, Negative Air Machines with HEPA Filtration, Particulate and Pressure Monitors

The Impact

The storage area, walk-in cooler, and all associated utilities were cleaned to the highest standards. The site was then turned over fully to the pharmacy staff following post-remediation verifications by a third-party hygienist.


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In Mitigation